LAYZOR plans now available

The LAYZOR project has been dominating all my free time since the beginning of the year. This post marks another milestone in this crazy journey.

So what happenend? Well I finally finished the complete plans for converting any K40 to the LAYZOR. I’m very satisfied with the result and I actually finished it a few weeks earlier than anticipated, so I’m giving myself a golden medal for that.

Please use the Contact form if you are interested in buying the plans!


19 thoughts on “LAYZOR plans now available”

  1. Hi,
    Do these plans contain detailed drawings (for each bracket, etc.) and detailed dimensions (engineering diagrams) and a complete Bill-of-Materials list?

    Thank you

  2. Hi Frederico,

    I am currently getting the materials together for the Layzor build.

    Instead of using acrylic could I use sheet aluminium or steel. I say this as it would be much cheaper and safer, as long as the cabinet was earthed correctly.

    Many thanks


    1. Hi,

      I don’t see how metal housing could be cheaper than acrylic but hey that’s entirely up to you. But I cannot stress enough how important proper grounding would be in this case (pun intended ;-)). Please note that an anodized frame in itself is not conductive anymore so please be careful when going that route! But yes other than that I don’t see an issue with a metal housing.

  3. Many thanks.

    In the UK clear acrylic 3mm 2000 x 1000 is about £77.
    The same size of 2mm sheet steel is £45

    Re grounding, the Uk mains has an earth requirement so I would ensure the case and psu are grounded, even if a rewire is in order.

    What was your decision on going the acrylic route ?

    I also looked into polycarbonate, this would have to be CNC milled as you cant laser cut it. Even though a little more expensive polycarbonate absorbs infra red radiation, so may inhibit the harmful laser side effects.

    I will probably be doing a motorised Z axis, as I will most likely change the controller and go with lightburn.

    As I progress I will update you.



    1. Well here the acrylic is much cheaper, plus I like the fact I can look inside. That’s all there is to it as far as my choice goes.

      Over time I have upgraded many parts as well, new power supply, cohesion3D controller board and Lightburn as well. A motorized Z is not something I would use much, but I am looking into buying a water chiller so I can laser for more extended stretches. Especially now that the weather is really hot here, I can’t really use my machine as the ambient temperature is already around 30°C…

      1. Yes your having a bit of a heatwave Haha, hottest on record for Europe apparently.

        I have looked into the cohesion 3d, however I think its overpriced tbh. I happy to rewire and I’m tempted to go Arduino and grbl route or even mks and go smoothieware.

        I use light burn atm on my 3d printer, laser diode conversion. Run under Marlin and even that I get good results.

        I can definatley see the benefit to a water chiller.

        I still probably will make the lid and the front pane acrylic, but the rest steel and paint it. Other than the earthed areas ofc.

      2. Would you be able to update the plan with a revision of things you have done and things you may change now you have been using it for a while, I.e controller, chiller etc.

        You could mail it to those who bought the initial plan, only has to be a page or so.

        It would be very much appreciated.



        1. All I can say is that I am personally very happy with the ease of use the Cohesion3D provides and I feel like it is worth the price imho. Note that I’m on my third one ;-). Not because they are bad quality, but I did some dumb things while testing stuff out haha. But hey, I used to run my cnc router on arduino so I know grbl is very capable as well.

          About upgrades, I don’t think I have much to add actually to warrant an update. My PSU was a direct replacement since my K40 original one failed at some point. Mounting and wiring was exactly the same. The Cohesion3D upgrade is already covered in the guide and is also sort of drop-in. The chiller I’m looking at is the usual CW-5000. I’m currently raising funds for that but I also doubt it will be complicated to install.

          I am however planning on compiling a zip-file with most of my build photo’s. As to complement the instructions in the plans.

    1. Hi,

      thanks for informing me. It seems the whole website is down, not sure why….
      I’ll look into it.

      Try again in a couple of weeks.

  4. Hi Frederico,
    I bought your layzor plans many years ago and am just now getting around to finding time for a build. So far everything has been going well. I am in the process of getting the panels cut (online) and was curious if there is a newer version of the panels.dxf file. I have version 1.1 and I am having some troubles getting the individual panels isolated (this is apparently how the vendor wants them uploaded). I have no previous experience with .dxf files, and I might just be overlooking something. If you could, can you let me know if there is a newer version, or if there is a simple solution? Thanks!

  5. Hallo,
    ich bin vor ein paar Tagen auf dein Projekt gestossen und würde es für mich auch verwirklichen. Leider ist die Shopseite nicht mehr erreichber. Gibt es noch eine Möglichkeit an die Layzor-Pläne zu kommen? Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen. Vielen Dank für deine Mühe.

    1. Da schliess ich mich an, ich hab diese Seite erst vor ein paar Wochen gefunden und hätte wirklich Interesse an den Plänen

  6. Hi all, I just edited the page with a link to the contact page of the dedicated Layzor website. Use this form to order the plans.
    Have a great day!

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